Calcium Facts!

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Calcium Facts!

Calcium is a mineral that helps to improve the impulses of the nervous system and does also regulate muscles and builds up bones and teeth.  Additionally, it also the heart’s contraction and involved in blood clotting. The mineral also regulates many cellular functions and is needed for certain enzyme activities. 

Calcium can either be digested through dairy products or from supplements.

Recommended daily intake of calcium:

Men: 600 mg
Women: 800 mg
Pregnant: 1,000 mg
Lactating 1000 mg
Children: 360-700 mg
The need for calcium varies with, inter alia, age and gender.

Some of the most common sources

25% Meat, poultry, sausages, fish and seafood
20% Bread and pastries
18% Cereal / muesli, pasta, pancakes, pizza / pie, porridge
13% Milk, yoghurt
7% Fruit, Juice
6% Potatoes

Lack of calcium

In case of serious deficiencies in calcium can (rickets) evolve, but also soft and porous bones, tooth damage, muscle cramps, blue fingers and toes. Seizures may occur in the intestine with constipation and catarrh as a result.

Often you can see apparent mental state as nervousness, insomnia, depression and impaired pain tolerance. Reduced production of stomach acid and menstrual pain.

Risks with using too much calcium

For prolonged overdose, especially in combination with considerable amounts of vitamin D, calcium can precipitate in the kidneys, causing kidney stone formation and calcification occurs. However, it can be countered with magnesium and vitamin B6. Thereby it is important to follow the recommended intake.


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