The Benefits of Using Glutamine

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xl glutamine2.jpg.pagespeed.ic .3 8Se3n5Iu The Benefits of Using Glutamine

Glutamine is one of 20 amino acids that together make up protein. The compound is non-essential, meaning the body produces a small amount of it by itself. Most the amino acid is stored in muscles followed by the lungs, where much of the glutamine is made.

The purpose of pure glutamine supplementation is to build muscle, to boost the pump in the muscle and to recover faster after your workout.

The body can make enough glutamine for its regular needs, but extreme stress (the kind you would experience after very heavy exercise or an injury) means that your body may need more glutamine than it can produce on it own. That is why an extra intake from the compound might help you to achieve better results during your workouts and while you are recovering.

From anecdotal reports some users says that the supplement also seems to reduce their sugar cravings.

How to use it: For adults ages 18 and older: Doses of 500mg, 1 – 3 times daily, are generally considered safe. Doses as high as 5,000 – 15,000 mg daily (in divided doses), or sometimes higher, may be prescribed by a health care provider for certain conditions.


Glutamine is the most common amino acid in our muscles and consumed faster during intensive training.


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