Rm florian poirson


Our next stop in the Global Profiles series will take us to Europe and France. The athlete we are about tmeet won his first show he entered in a spectacular fashion fpat a very young age. Rising Muscle predicts big things throughout his bodybuilding career in the future.

Let’s Welcome the Talented Florian Poirson to Rising Muscle!

Country: France
City: Bordeaux
Occupation: Computer studies and bodybuilding
Age: 21
Height: 5’10 / (178 cm)
Weight on / off: 216 / 235 (98 – 106 kg)

Contest background: 1st IFBB FRANCE NATIONALS JUNIOR HEAVYWEIGHT (+80kg) 2015

RM: Florian would you like to tell us how you got involved in bodybuilding?

FP: 4 years ago, I was suffering of obesity. My father took me to a new gym, which had just opened near my home. I stayed more than 4 hours in the gym, I immediately loved it. 4 months after my registration, I met a bodybuilder, he helped me with diet and training. This is where I saw my first results and where I saw how much I love this lifestyle. I would not change it, for anything in life.

RM: How far are you reaching as a competitor?

FP: My dream as a co11100078_10206182062500681_6974018351521727575_nmpetitor is to going professional. This is my dream since day one. And near in the future, I want to be able to live because of this way of life, this my passion. My next competition is the Arnold Classic Europe in September 2016, still in junior category +80kg.

RM: What does your training schedule look like each week?

FP: I train 6 times a week, sometimes 7 days a week for 3 weeks in prep mode. I wake up, do my fasted cardio, eat my breakfast, take some rest and do my things during the day. Then I train around 3:30pm for 1h-1h30. I try to listen to my body. If I’m too tired and exhausted because of a leg training, I take a day off. It’s hard sometimes, because I love the gym, but your body need rest, you grow when you sleep!

RM: How would you describe the bodybuilding scene in France?

FP: Well, it was my first bodybuilding show, where I finished first in my category. Everything was well organized, even the time of passage of each category. The IFBB federation was really nice with all the competitors. There was a lot of spectators, it’s cool because bodybuilding is an unknown sport in France, and I hope it will be better in few years.

RM: Who has been your role model in life, and why?11167620_10153220404859547_133609832_o

FP: My role model is not a bodybuilder. It’s simply my father since I’m a kid. He rose through the ranks of work. He do everything to make happy me and my young brother. He never give up and never surrender!

RM: What advice would you give to future competitive bodybuilders?
FP: CONSISTENCY. Some people was amazed of my progression this last few years. They ask me how. I just said “consistency and dedication”. How many times you see people give up 2-3 months after dieting and training ? Too much. You have to stay consistent and focus in this sport, it’s very hard, but at the end, it’s worth it.


RM: Ok FloriaIMG_20150419_005006n it is time to finish up this interview, if there is anything you want to add please feel free to do so:

I want to thanks my parents and my brother along my journey. My coach Patrick Tuor, the best in this sport! My gym Gigagym from Bordeaux and plus all my friends there. And of course all my fans who follow me all over the world, thanks you.

RM: Thank you for participating in this interview Florian. I am quite sure that you have the ability to go very far as a competetive bodybuilder. Keep up the great work and best of luck in the future of your career.

Contact info:

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snapchat: bsa7tijk




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