SATTERFIELD: “Go After Dreams”


Go After Dreams.


You’ve been given the most powerful tool on earth- a brain. You have been given two legs, a mouth, hands, ears. Lucky for most of us we also given a being, an essence. So now your tool box is full and your a full-blown god given gift and you probably starting to ask yourself what your supposed to do with all of these gifts? What do these gifts mean? What is your purpose?

The twenty-first century offers many of the questions by trying to keep you distracted and keep you numb. Stress is the number one killer here. In fact we may experience more stress than ever before, which may be ironic considering it’s actually easier to survive now ever before. We are out of touch with our basic instinct and instead lost in finances, chasing after time, and trying to fit into society. Money, time, and society are all human fabricated. These things ultimately do not exist the way we believe them to. These things are made up people things. So then what are we really supposed to be chasing?


You are supposed to be chasing your dreams. The things that make you grateful. The things that make you laugh. You are supposed to be chasing that feelings that is most rewarding, the feeling of being connected to everything. What else feels as good? What else is worth its weight in pain?

Chase dreams. Not people.

Some people chose to chase other people. A tempting mistake. When other people radiate and emit the light others in the darkness will search them out. When you are filled with joy and gratitude others will chase you. Like insects they flock to the light and this is what they chase, someone elses light. Why chase someone elses light when you can radiate your own? You need not live through the experiences of others. You were given THE toolbox. The best toolbox. All the right tools to fix your soul and turn on your light. Whats stopping you?

I am so honored and pleased that you have taken the time to read my words. Since the creation of mankind we have used language to communicate and share ideas. With this ability we have come together to create the world that we live in today. We have built manyimage things of beauty and created many things that are in truth, ugly. We have used language to unite nations across the world and at the same time we have used language to separate and alienate ourselves. My intent of this blog is to use my language to unite with you, my dear reader./

Although we may be far apart we have never been closer. We are together and separately a piece of this gorgeous universe. We are made of the same star dust and our souls are from the same creator. We may not share the same ideas or live similar lives, but we are connected. For this I am grateful! I take pride in being connected to you! All of your strengths, all of your wisdom, all of your achievements, I get to share with you! All of the strengths, wisdom, and achievements of every man and woman are ours to share.

I think we forget this sometimes. We fall to envy and jealousy instead of rejoicing in each others accomplishments. We assume that some one else’s success is our failure. In fact your success is my success. I want you to be happ10173581_10202069248332414_5785352377739059074_ny. I want you to have everything! That means that in a sense, a part of me is happy. When we bring back our sense of unity we can experience what love really is. When we can experience the joy of some one else’s happiness we will experience forever happiness.

I hope you continue to read my blogs. I hope to inspire you, challenge you, educate you, and most importantly get closer to you. May we unite and experience each others joy. I hope that in reading my blog you will feel driven to reach out to me, and that this blog can be yours too. Again I thank you for your time. I wish to leave you with one thought…

What if you began to love each stranger as you do the one’s closest to you? If you loved all people as your mother, father, siblings, lovers.. What would that feel like?

Namaste my friend!
Till we meet again.

V.C. Kylie

To reach Satterfield:
Email: [email protected]

FB: kylie sattefield
Instagram: v.c._kylie
Twitter: @kymarshmellow

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